Sunday 28 October 2012


Its been a very interesting few weeks, back in college after 20+ years out of education.
I wasn't really sure what to expect.
 All I can say is that things are a lot different these days.
The first couple of weeks where all about different inductions into all the workshops, libraries,IT rooms and most important the forge out at Holme Lacy.

It was really great to get some irons in the fire as they say.
The first practical task was to draw down some 16mmx16mmx200mm square bar.
I marked and punched at 100mm and set this on the anvil, drawing down to half its thickness but maintaining its width.
I then marked and punched at 80mm and set this on the anvil, drawing down again to a square section of 8mmx8mm.
I finished by rounding off half the length again.
All this forgeing was done at yellow heat 1150 degrees c.
I then finished the work off at dull red heat 700 degrees c. the finished piece is on the left. The other 2 pieces in the photo are the start of my tongs.

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